The extent of my professional relationship and the resulting services that I will be providing will vary according to your situation and the requirements of the program you have agreed to with your particular agency along with the Standards of Care for psychology as set by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.
1. Egg Donor Screening
Clinical interview of donor, psychological assessment with standardized psychometric testing. IQ testing, donor/IP comparisons and other psychological services.
2. Sperm Donor Screening
Clinical interview of donor, psychological assessment with standardized psychometric testing. IQ testing, donor/IP comparisons and other psychological services.
3. Surrogate Screening
Clinical interview of Surrogate, spouse or partner. Psychological assessment with standardized psychometric testing.
4. Intended Parents
Screening, consultation clinical interview and counseling.
5. Ongoing Support
Monthly group or individual counseling.
6. Consultation with agencies, physicians and other involved professionals.